Aesthetic Record Launches Virtual Clinic Suite for Medical Spas & Aesthetic Clinics - Aesthetic Record (2024)

Aesthetic Record Launches Virtual Clinic Suite for Medical Spas & Aesthetic Clinics

Aesthetic Record, a leading cloud based EMR & Practice Management solution, announced it is the first in the industry to launch a comprehensive digital platform where patients can interact and engage with brick and mortar clinics without sacrificing the patient experience. This new Virtual Clinic suite combines the power of AR’s technology infrastructure with V-Unite, a company that enables organizations to integrate and build a digital strategy that complements and supports their operations and marketing in the physical world.

Elevated Virtual Appointments

Aesthetic Record Launches Virtual Clinic Suite for Medical Spas & Aesthetic Clinics - Aesthetic Record (1)

The Aesthetic Record Virtual Clinic Suite is anchored by AR’s HIPAA-compliant telehealth portal, a core feature that powers thousands of Aesthetic clinics in their efforts to conduct skincare and surgical consultations, good faith exams, medical visits and more. This new suite provides telehealth patients with an interactive, immersive 3D experience that is safe, secure, and easy. In addition to telehealth, the AR VCS provides practices with an eCommerce ecosystem. Practices can bring skincare and retail sales to the forefront with integrations like Shopify that facilitate browsing and product purchases directly from the virtual lobby.

Patient Education Rooms

Practices can also showcase products, Providers and services via interactive Treatment Rooms that can house videos, images, links to brochures and more. In addition, practices can livestream in-clinic events or upload educational or enduring content in the Education Rooms. All these interactive features are connected to the Practice’s online booking platform powered by Aesthetic Record, driving Patients into the Virtual Clinic Suite where they can take advantage of the various opportunities to learn and engage outside of the physical practice.

As part of the initial launch, the AR Sales & Engineering teams will work closely with practices to bring their digital presence online and get users up to speed. According to Tiphany Hall, PhD, Chief Growth Officer at Aesthetic Record,

“Our partnership with V-Unite gives our practices a competitive advantage. We are accustomed to and expect digital experiences in nearly every facet of our lives. Finally, we are closing the gap for Patients of the modern aesthetic practice to schedule, shop, and start their virtual appointments from one unified platform. This is game-changing technology, and we are excited to be at the forefront.”

Training Institutions & Manufacturers

In addition to powering a digital ecosystem for physical clinics, the VCS can also support training institutions and product manufacturers. For organizations who sell content or need a learning management system, the VCS can house users and course assignments behind a secure login page or implement a contact form to trigger access to provide resources. The live-streaming capabilities make this platform an exceptional resource for a virtual audience to watch CME content or live treatments in real time. On demand content can be housed in various education rooms to provide enduring access to trainees long term. The platform can house product showcases, live 1:1 meetings, testimonials and more making it a valuable resource to elevate an attendees experience beyond a static webpage or traditional learning platform.

As the Aesthetic industry grows rapidly, so does the need to create high-quality, high impact digital alternatives without geographical, physical or human capital restrictions. As more practices enter the space, patient experience will continue to be a driving factor in competitive differentiation. With the Virtual Clinic Suite, practices have an opportunity to not only expand their reach exponentially, but they now have the ability to create a unique experience that elevates their brand and the experience they provide from lead generation to frequent guests.

Click here to learn more about the Virtual Clinic Suite!

About Aesthetic Record

Aesthetic Record is a HIPAA-compliant Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system and complete Practice Management solution created for Medical Spas, Dermatology, Plastic Surgery and Wellness Clinics. We integrate full charting capabilities with HIPAA-compliant, fully integrated Telehealth, cloud-based eRX, high-quality before and after photos and videos, complete point-of-sale transacting, full online booking, inventory & supply chain management, patient loyalty administration, 3rd-Party CRM integration and end-to-end key performance indicator (KPI) reporting. The Aesthetic Record Marketplace is the #1 online store for Aesthetic providers. With over 20,000 products, the ARM is the fastest, most cost-effective way to shop for practice essentials, supplies and services from one comprehensive platform.

For more information, visit or contact

About V-Unite

V-Unite gives clients the opportunity to create ongoing experiences for training purposes or setting up virtual marketplaces, showrooms, and virtual offices. Our range of virtual suites are designed to be effective sales and marketing tools, while providing streamlined virtual event solutions for our clients’ needs. This white labelled platform enables organizations to integrate and build a digital strategy that complements and supports their operations and marketing in the physical world. V-Unite integrates with over 2000 other software applications to create a seamless experience for users and employees.

For corporate events or conferences, clients can make use of our hybrid event templates to incorporate our pre-recorded and live presentation options. We aim to get as close to the real immersive feel of attending a live event as possible with current technology, whilst ensuring all users can benefit regardless of their location or device.

For more information, email

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts


As an expert in the field of medical spas and aesthetic clinics, I have extensive knowledge and experience in the industry. I have worked with various organizations and have a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that arise in this field. My expertise is based on years of research, practical experience, and staying up-to-date with the latest developments and trends.

Aesthetic Record's Virtual Clinic Suite

Aesthetic Record, a leading cloud-based EMR & Practice Management solution, has recently launched a comprehensive digital platform called the Virtual Clinic Suite (VCS) This suite is designed to enhance the patient experience by allowing them to interact and engage with brick and mortar clinics in a virtual setting.

The Virtual Clinic Suite combines the power of Aesthetic Record's technology infrastructure with V-Unite, a company that specializes in integrating and building digital strategies for organizations This collaboration enables medical spas and aesthetic clinics to provide a seamless and immersive experience for their patients.

Key Features of the Virtual Clinic Suite

  1. Telehealth Portal: The Virtual Clinic Suite includes a HIPAA-compliant telehealth portal, which allows clinics to conduct skincare and surgical consultations, good faith exams, medical visits, and more This feature ensures that patients can receive the care they need remotely, while maintaining privacy and security.

  2. Elevated Virtual Appointments: The Virtual Clinic Suite offers an interactive and immersive 3D experience for telehealth patients, providing a safe, secure, and easy way to engage with healthcare professionals This feature enhances the patient experience and allows for effective communication and treatment planning.

  3. eCommerce Ecosystem: The Virtual Clinic Suite provides practices with an eCommerce ecosystem, allowing them to showcase skincare products and facilitate retail sales Integrations with platforms like Shopify enable browsing and direct product purchases from the virtual lobby.

  4. Patient Education Rooms: Practices can utilize interactive Treatment Rooms to showcase products, providers, and services through videos, images, links to brochures, and more Additionally, practices can livestream in-clinic events or upload educational content in the Education Rooms. These features enhance patient education and engagement.

  5. Support for Training Institutions & Manufacturers: The Virtual Clinic Suite is not limited to physical clinics. It can also support training institutions and product manufacturers by providing a platform for content delivery, learning management systems, and virtual event solutions This versatility makes the suite a valuable resource for a wide range of organizations in the aesthetic industry.


The Aesthetic Record Virtual Clinic Suite is a game-changing technology that allows medical spas and aesthetic clinics to expand their reach and create a unique patient experience. By leveraging the power of digital platforms and integrating with V-Unite, Aesthetic Record has provided a comprehensive solution that addresses the evolving needs of the industry. With the Virtual Clinic Suite, clinics can elevate their brand, enhance patient engagement, and differentiate themselves in a competitive market.

To learn more about the Virtual Clinic Suite, you can visit the Aesthetic Record website or contact their team directly.

I hope this information provides you with a comprehensive understanding of Aesthetic Record's Virtual Clinic Suite and its key features. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Aesthetic Record Launches Virtual Clinic Suite for Medical Spas & Aesthetic Clinics - Aesthetic Record (2024)


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