Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (2024)

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (1)

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe

August 14, 2019

Author: Adelle Belnap


This Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe Bacon is going to rock your world. The combination of salty bacon with sweet rich chocolate is unreal. Go on and get cooking.

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (2)

Disney confectioners have crafted some pretty incredible snacks over the years. Pumpkin Spice Churros, Dole Whip Donuts, Warm Jack-Jack Cookie Num Nums, Sugar Dusted Coconut Matterhorn Macaroons, Juicy Turkey Legsand Mickey Mouse Beignets are just a few of the tasty food offerings at the Disney Parks.

Most people claim to visit Disneyland and Walt Disney World primarily for the attractions, but a select few will admit that the festive food is the main draw. Can't blame them. The snack options are pretty incredible. Since stomach size is limited, it's nice to know what food is worth using up valuable space on. You can trust me on the chocolate covered baconrecommendation. Are you ready for a flavor combination that sounds so wrong that it is right?!That is right Disney lovers, chocolate covered bacon is available at the Disney parks and it is pure magic.

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe

You can pick up a sample of this awesome dessert at Kona Island, the quick-service snack and coffee bar in Disney's Polynesian Village Resort in Walt Disney World. Disney offers three varieties including dark chocolate bacon, dark chocolate chili baconand dark chocolate cinnamon pecan bacon. All three flavors sound delish! The best part is that each slice is only $4.00. That isn't bad considering standard theme park pricing. Whichflavor sounds the best to you? So far, fans are giving all three pretty solid thumbs up!

I decided to whip up a batch of copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon to see if all the positive buzz was justified. After an afternoon of delicious research in my kitchen, I can honestly say that it's one of the best snacks I've made to date. And, I've made a lot of Disney snacks.

Want to give it a go? The process is pretty simple. Follow along!

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (4)

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe

Start by cooking a package of thick, quality bacon. Bacon really is a product that requires splurging on quality. Get the good stuff.

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (5)

Once your bacon is hot and crispy, transfer it onto a tray to cool. I like to line the tray with paper napkins to soak up any excess grease from cooking. Let the bacon cool.

Then, melt about 16 oz of dark melting chocolate in a microwave safe dish. My favorite melting chocolate is the Ghirardelli brand. It has the best taste and consistency for dipping! Quick Disney side note: You can get a free sample of Ghirardelli chocolate at Disney California Adventure Parkat the mini Ghirardelli square at Pixar Pier. It is one of my favorite Disney park secrets.

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (6)

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe - Dipping

Take two slices of bacon and stack them together and then dip a good portion of one end into the melted chocolate. I wanted the chocolate on mine to be thick and yummy, so I used my spoon to scoop a big dollop onto the bacon after dipping.

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (7)

Lay it on a rack covered with wax paper to cool.

Continue covering bacon in chocolate until you have all but one slice of bacon left. Leave this slice for toppings! Use a knife to cut the bacon into tiny bits. Sprinkle the bits onto the chocolate covered bacon while it is still soft.

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (8)

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe - Drizzling

Then, melt a small portion of white chocolate in a dish. Use a spoon to drizzle the white chocolate in stripes over the top of the chocolate covered bacon! It looks so pretty.

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (9)

The chocolate does not take very long to set up. Once it has hardened, you can peel the chocolate covered bacon off of the wax paper and serve!

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (10)

I'll be honest, I was a little bit nervous about trying it. I shouldn't have hesitated! The salty bacon flavor was seriously perfect with the rich dark chocolate. The balance of taste was right on. I can see why it is so popular at the Disney Parks!

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (11)

Give it a go and then let us know what you think!

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (12)

If you want to try this treat for yourself at Walt Disney World, we can help you book your trip! And, of course, we can recommend a few other things to experience in addition to the chocolate covered bacon. View all our vacation packages online, or give us a call at 855-GET-AWAY. Whether you're heading to Orlando, California or beyond, we're here to help!

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (14)

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This Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe Bacon is going to rock your world. The combination of salty bacon with sweet rich chocolate is unreal. Go on and get cooking.




Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (18)




Disney confectioners have crafted some pretty incredible snacks over the years. Pumpkin Spice Churros, Dole Whip Donuts, Warm Jack-Jack Cookie Num Nums, Sugar Dusted Coconut Matterhorn Macaroons, Juicy Turkey Legsand Mickey Mouse Beignets are just a few of the tasty food offerings at the Disney Parks.


Most people claim to visit Disneyland and Walt Disney World primarily for the attractions, but a select few will admit that the festive food is the main draw. Can't blame them. The snack options are pretty incredible. Since stomach size is limited, it's nice to know what food is worth using up valuable space on. You can trust me on the chocolate covered baconrecommendation. Are you ready for a flavor combination that sounds so wrong that it is right?!That is right Disney lovers, chocolate covered bacon is available at the Disney parks and it is pure magic.



Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe


You can pick up a sample of this awesome dessert at Kona Island, the quick-service snack and coffee bar in Disney's Polynesian Village Resort in Walt Disney World. Disney offers three varieties including dark chocolate bacon, dark chocolate chili baconand dark chocolate cinnamon pecan bacon. All three flavors sound delish! The best part is that each slice is only $4.00. That isn't bad considering standard theme park pricing. Whichflavor sounds the best to you? So far, fans are giving all three pretty solid thumbs up!


I decided to whip up a batch of copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon to see if all the positive buzz was justified. After an afternoon of delicious research in my kitchen, I can honestly say that it's one of the best snacks I've made to date. And, I've made a lot of Disney snacks.


Want to give it a go? The process is pretty simple. Follow along!


Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (20)


Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe


Start by cooking a package of thick, quality bacon. Bacon really is a product that requires splurging on quality. Get the good stuff.


Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (21)


Once your bacon is hot and crispy, transfer it onto a tray to cool. I like to line the tray with paper napkins to soak up any excess grease from cooking. Let the bacon cool.


Then, melt about 16 oz of dark melting chocolate in a microwave safe dish. My favorite melting chocolate is the Ghirardelli brand. It has the best taste and consistency for dipping! Quick Disney side note: You can get a free sample of Ghirardelli chocolate at Disney California Adventure Parkat the mini Ghirardelli square at Pixar Pier. It is one of my favorite Disney park secrets.


Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (22)


Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe - Dipping


Take two slices of bacon and stack them together and then dip a good portion of one end into the melted chocolate. I wanted the chocolate on mine to be thick and yummy, so I used my spoon to scoop a big dollop onto the bacon after dipping.


Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (23)


Lay it on a rack covered with wax paper to cool.


Continue covering bacon in chocolate until you have all but one slice of bacon left. Leave this slice for toppings! Use a knife to cut the bacon into tiny bits. Sprinkle the bits onto the chocolate covered bacon while it is still soft.


Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (24)


Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe - Drizzling


Then, melt a small portion of white chocolate in a dish. Use a spoon to drizzle the white chocolate in stripes over the top of the chocolate covered bacon! It looks so pretty.


Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (25)


The chocolate does not take very long to set up. Once it has hardened, you can peel the chocolate covered bacon off of the wax paper and serve!


Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (26)


I'll be honest, I was a little bit nervous about trying it. I shouldn't have hesitated! The salty bacon flavor was seriously perfect with the rich dark chocolate. The balance of taste was right on. I can see why it is so popular at the Disney Parks!


Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (27)


Give it a go and then let us know what you think!


Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (28)


If you want to try this treat for yourself at Walt Disney World, we can help you book your trip! And, of course, we can recommend a few other things to experience in addition to the chocolate covered bacon. View all our vacation packages online, or give us a call at 855-GET-AWAY. Whether you're heading to Orlando, California or beyond, we're here to help!




Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (30)


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The combination of salty bacon with sweet rich chocolate is unreal. Go on and get cooking. Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Rec...","categoryName":null,"module":"./Blog/pages/blog-detail"};

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AlyssaDecember 13 2020

Disney uses Nueske’s Applewood Smoked Bacon. ??

Heather March 12 2020

This looks delicious. I just have questions. They are; Do you bake the bacon on a wire rack set on a cookie sheet in the oven? If yes , at what temperature and for how many minutes? Please let me know by e-mailing me at [emailprotected]

Copycat Disney Chocolate Covered Bacon Recipe (2024)


Does chocolate covered bacon need to be refrigerated? ›

Just store it in the refrigerator until you are ready to serve!

What does chocolate covered bacon taste like? ›

Chocolate-covered bacon like you get at the fair! The sweetness of chocolate and the saltiness of the bacon is the perfect marriage.

Are bacon and chocolate good? ›

it's delightful. if you like salted caramel, you'll like chocolate covered bacon.

Where did chocolate covered bacon come from? ›

The earliest mentions of this sweet and savory snack date back to 2005, but it is still unknown who had created it. Some suggest a state fair in Minnesota, while others claim that it is was invented in Marini's Candy in Santa Cruz, California.

How long can bacon sit out at room temperature before it goes bad? ›

The general rule of food safety is to not let raw meat or cooked food sit out for more than 2 hours, and that rule applies to uncooked or cooked bacon. It's wise to be careful with uncooked pork products since they can harbor and grow bacterial pathogens like salmonella and trichinosis.

Does refrigerated bacon go bad? ›

Information. You can keep bacon in the refrigerator at 40 ºF or below for one week. Bacon can also be frozen at 0 ºF for four months (for best quality). For more information about bacon and storage of other bacon products, go to Bacon and Food Safety.

How do you imitate bacon flavor? ›

Season to perfection

Making food taste like bacon can sometimes be a little hard work, with recipes calling for tonnes of different herbs and spices such as paprika, black pepper, onion powder, nutritional yeast and even things like caramelised sugar which aren't so easy to come by.

What does it mean if bacon is chewy? ›

Lower-quality bacon may contain more water and additives, which can result in chewy rather than crispy bacon. To achieve crispy bacon, try cooking it at a slightly higher temperature, avoiding overcrowding the pan, and adjusting the cooking time based on the thickness of the bacon slices.

Can you eat bacon and still be healthy? ›

Bacon has lots of sodium, cholesterol, and fat, all of which can increase your risk of heart disease. But bacon does have other nutrients, like protein, vitamins, and minerals. Just keep in mind that if you eat bacon, it's best to do so occasionally and in small amounts.

Why does bacon make you feel good? ›

According to experts, umami in bacon is an addictive substance that causes improved mood, satisfaction and lowers stress levels. The protein in bacon further impacts neurologically by reliving stress and making people happier. So, this is your only chance to eat and feel satisfied, nourished and happy – all at one go!

What makes bacon taste better? ›

Even though it doesn't necessarily come with a mild flavor, bacon is a total blank canvas. With the help of some extra ingredients and spices for your bacon, you can take its original savory, salty, and smoky flavor and enhance it with things like chili powder and coffee, Sriracha, maple syrup, brown sugar, or honey.

What did bacon used to be called? ›

In the 16th Century, the word “bacoun” or bacon was used to refer to any kind of pork. It was only in the 17th Century that “bacon” was used to refer exclusively to the salted and smoked belly that we know today as bacon.

What is the rainbow on bacon? ›

When light hits a slice of meat, it splits into colors like a rainbow. Wrapping the meat in airtight packages and storing it away from light will help prevent this appearance. Additionally, there are various pigments in meat compounds that can give it an iridescent or greenish cast when exposed to heat and processing.

What is Drake bacon? ›

Description. Our famous thick-cut bacon, made with lean pork and smoked to perfection. *Made without gluten. Not made in a gluten-free facility. Ingredients: Pork, Water, Salt, Sugar, Flavouring (Soy Protein Isolate and Corn Starch as Carriers, Spices), Sodium Phosphate, Sodium Erythorbate, Sodium Nitrite, Smoke.

Does candied bacon have to be refrigerated? ›

The best practice for storing candied bacon is to keep it in the refrigerator. Before storing, let the caramelized bacon cool to room temperature. This helps keep condensation at bay when the meat is stored in the fridge, ensuring your delectable bacon stays crisp and delicious.

Does vacuum packed bacon need to be refrigerated? ›

The removal of oxygen from a food package does not eliminate microbial growth. Perishable (whether it is raw or cooked) meats and poultry in vacuum packaging cannot be stored at room temperature. They must be kept either in the refrigerator at 40 ºF or below, or for longer storage, in the freezer at 0 °F or below.

Does fully cooked bacon need to be refrigerated? ›

Under USDA guidelines, both raw bacon and cooked bacon products should be refrigerated at 40 or below for the best results. This is recommended because the temperature is low enough to minimize the risk of bacteria growth without causing freezer burn.

Do real bacon pieces need to be refrigerated? ›

The bits are shelf stable as packed but need to be refrigerated after the foil pouch has been opened. Real bacon bits can be used in any food system where real bacon flavor is desired. Use it in salad toppings, gravies, quiche, potato toppings, pasta, bakery items, sauces, and soups.


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