Egg Fast Frozen Custard Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe (2024)

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Dropping carbs is simple when you have a variety of keto desserts to enjoy. There's only 0.7g carbs in this egg fast frozen custard low carb ice cream recipe!

Egg Fast Frozen Custard Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe (1)
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  • Egg Fast Vanilla Frozen Custard Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe
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With the weather getting warmer, it's time to start making more frozen treats. While I've been egg fasting, I've been making frozen raspberry yogurt freezer pops for my youngest daughter. I'll probably share that recipe later on the blog.

Since I wasn't able to eat the frozen yogurt, I decided to make myself some egg fast vanilla frozen custard ice cream instead.

The recipe is almost identical to the egg fast lemon pudding recipe I posted here. I just changed the flavoring and processed it into this low carb ice cream recipe.

I actually found a recipe for egg fast frozen custard at I Breathe I'm Hungry while egg fasting last year. That recipe, however, doesn't incorporate the egg whites.

Egg Fast Frozen Custard Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe (2)

So, you have to find another way to eat the missing whites. You could just sandwich the frozen custard between two egg fast meringue cookies. But, you'd have to make a batch of cookies first.

Since my egg fast custard uses the whites, it's a perfect egg fast treat all by itself. However, I don't cook the egg whites.

If that bothers you, you may want to skip this low carb ice cream recipe. Instead, I blend a cooked yolk mixture into stiffly beaten egg whites.

Lots of people eat raw eggs and raw egg whites are used to make cake frosting. You really don't have anything to worry about. Chances are pretty slim that you'll get sick from eating eggs not fully cooked.

Egg Fast Frozen Custard Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe (3)

I've discovered that slightly freezing a sugar free ice cream mixture before processing results in a better texture. So, I put the mixture into the freezer for two hours first. After the first hour, I gave it a little stir to blend in the frozen edges.

But if you find the custard is freezing too quickly, definitely take it out of the freezer sooner. Then, you'll want to process it in an ice cream maker for the best results.

Putting the mixture in the freezer before processing in the ice cream maker also speeds up the processing time. My egg fast vanilla frozen custard ice cream was done in about 20 minutes after putting in the machine.

The frozen custard from this low carb ice cream recipe is delicious soft served. Or you can freeze it up to make firm scoops.

If frozen, you'll want to let it soften for about 15-20 minutes at room temperature. Like most sugar free ice cream, it freezes very hard.

Egg Fast Frozen Custard Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe (5)

You can easily modify this low carb ice cream recipe into different flavors. Using various flavored extracts or sugar free syrups, the possibilities are almost endless.

If you want chocolate, cocoa does up the carb content, so I'd opt for a flavoring in this frozen custard ice cream. For a strict keto egg fast, carbs need to be kept very low.

I've been egg fasting for over a week now and I certainly don't feel deprived. I never realized there were so many delicious things that can be made using eggs, butter, and cheese. It's certainly a lot more than an omelette!

Going on a low carb egg fast has really helped me get into ketosis quickly. And, it's so easy to follow because you only eat three basic ingredients.

Have you used an egg fast to initiate weight loss or bread a stall? Did you find it difficult to follow?

Egg Fast Vanilla Frozen Custard Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe

Egg Fast Frozen Custard Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe (6)

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Egg Fast Frozen Custard Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe (7)

Egg Fast Vanilla Frozen Custard

Dropping carbs is simple when you have a variety of low carb treats to enjoy. Only 0.7g carbs in this egg fast vanilla frozen custard ice cream!

Prep Time:5 minutes mins

Cook Time:15 minutes mins

Total Time:20 minutes mins

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Print Pin Review Recipe Save Recipe

Servings: 4

Calories: 326


  • 4 eggs
  • 4 ounces mascarpone cheese or cream cheese
  • 4 ounces unsalted butter
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla stevia drops see note
  • ¼ teaspoon monk fruit liquid extract see note
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¼ teaspoon cream of tartar

US Customary - Metric


  • Separate eggs.

  • Heat yolks, cheese, and butter on low heat whisking frequently until thickened.

  • Remove from heat and stir in sweetener(s) and vanilla.

  • Add cream of tartar to egg whites and whip until stiff.

  • Beat yolk mixture into egg whites.

  • Pour into freezer container with lid. Place in freezer for an hour, then stir frozen edges in. Place back in freezer for another hour.

  • Process in ice cream maker until desired consistency is reached.


You can use an alternate sweetener to replace the stevia and monk fruit. In total, you'll want about ⅓ cup sugar equivalent or a bit more to taste.

Low Carb Sweeteners | Keto Sweetener Conversion Chart


Serving: 108g | Calories: 326 | Carbohydrates: 1.5g | Protein: 9.7g | Fat: 31.6g | Saturated Fat: 18.5g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 261mg | Sodium: 257mg | Potassium: 136mg | Fiber: 0g | Sugar: 0.6g | Vitamin A: 1100IU | Vitamin C: 0mg | Calcium: 90mg | Iron: 1.1mg

Additional Info

Net Carbs: 1.5g | % Carbs: 1.8% | % Protein: 11.8% | % Fat: 86.4% | SmartPoints: 14

Notes on Nutritional Information

Nutritional information for the recipe is provided as a courtesy and is approximate only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the nutritional information given for any recipe on this site. Erythritol carbs are not included in carb counts as it has been shown not to impact blood sugar. Net carbs are the total carbs minus fiber.


© - Unauthorized use of this material without written permission is strictly prohibited unless for personal offline purposes. Single photos may be used, provided that full credit is given to along with a link back to the original content.

Egg Fast Frozen Custard Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe (2024)


Can I have sugar free syrup on egg fast? ›

You can have keto friendly sweeteners (we used erythritol/stevia blended sweeteners, and sugar-free syrups). You can have low calorie/low carb seasonings such as Buffalo wing sauce, Sriracha, etc.

What are the disadvantages of the egg fast diet? ›

An egg fast usually only lasts a few days. Scientists have not studied the impact of an egg fast on the body. Ketogenic diets in general can have several possible short-term and long-term side effects. These range from upset stomachs and dizziness, to kidney and liver problems, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Is there a low carb ice cream? ›

Halo Top Creamery Birthday Cake Ice Cream

“Halo Top combines skim milk, erythritol, and prebiotic fiber to make a rich and creamy ice cream that is lower in calories and carbs than other ice creams,” says Rizzo. That prebiotic fiber is good for your gut health and lowers the carb count to just around 11 grams.

Is frozen custard healthier than ice cream? ›

Brands vary, but vanilla ice-cream typically has about 10 per cent more calories than custard, as well as twice the saturated fat, less protein and half the calcium and potassium. However, ice-cream usually has less sugar and salt, too.

How many eggs can you eat on keto egg fast? ›

We'll also share some great low-carb egg-based keto recipes. Eggs are keto-friendly and safe to eat when you're on the ketogenic diet. Eggs are low in carbs while containing high amounts of protein and healthy fats. You can have 6 to 7 eggs every day while on the keto diet.

Can you eat mayo on egg fast? ›

What am I allowed to eat? Eggs: At least 6 per day. More if needed to keep satiated. Fats (butter, olive oil, MCT oil, coconut oil, mayonnaise): 1 Tbsp per egg eaten.

How many pounds can you lose on egg fast? ›

Typically people will lose between 5 – 7 pounds on the keto egg diet. Some will lose, more and some may lose less. If you transition into a regular keto diet after the egg fast you shouldn't gain much if any back, and will continue to lose weight – just at a slower pace.

How many eggs can you eat on egg fast a day? ›

You must eat at least six whole eggs per day. Eggs should be local, pastured eggs whenever possible. You should stop eating three hours before bedtime.

How many eggs should you eat on an egg fast? ›

Following a 3 day egg diet may seem simple, however, there are some specific rules some claim are crucial in order to get the maximum benefits. The following is a list of requirements: Consume a minimum of 6 whole eggs every single day making sure to eat every 3 to 5 hours (hard boiled eggs are allowed)

Which ice cream has lowest sugar? ›

Healthline's picks of the best low sugar and sugar-free ice creams
  • Rebel Ice Cream.
  • Enlightened Ice Cream.
  • Halo Top Ice Cream.
  • SO Delicious Coconutmilk Non-Dairy Frozen Dessert, No Sugar Added.
  • Keto Pint Ice Cream.
  • Arctic Zero Frozen Desserts.
  • Skinny Cow No Sugar Added Ice Cream Sandwiches.
Jun 30, 2022

Is peanut butter OK on keto? ›

Peanut butter can definitely be part of a keto diet, but it's best to stick to plain options that are free of extra flavors and sweeteners. Almond butter is a good choice, too, and it's slightly lower in carbs. Additionally, you should be mindful of your portion size if you're trying to lose weight.

Can diabetics eat custard ice cream? ›

While there are some extra things to consider, ice cream can be included in a healthy meal pattern even if you have diabetes. It's best to eat ice cream in moderation and to choose an option with lower saturated fat, lower carbs and no or low added sugar.

Can a diabetic eat custard? ›

You can buy NAS (no added sugar) custard powders, which some may tolerate in small amounts when well-paired. However, for those who want proper custard that is much more tolerable, you could try this recipe for a low-carb homemade REAL custard!

Does frozen custard have more carbs than ice cream? ›

🍦Frozen custard has less sodium, fat, carbohydrates and sugar than ice cream. 🍦Frozen custard has no trans fat and is gluten free. 🍦Frozen custard is slow-churned and less air is added, making it creamier and denser.

Does zero sugar syrup break a fast? ›

Sweet 'N Low (saccharin) has zero calories and minimal impact on blood sugar and insulin levels. This means it doesn't technically break your fast in the strictest sense of interrupting fat burning or inducing an insulin spike.

Does sugar free syrup break ketosis? ›

Sweeteners like stevia, sucralose, erythritol, xylitol, monk fruit, and yacon syrup can easily fit into a low carb or ketogenic diet. However, you may need to limit your intake of other sweeteners high in carbs or sugar on a low carb diet.

Does sugar free maple syrup break a fast? ›

Maple Syrup: Maple syrup is another sweetener with a high sugar content that can disrupt your fast. High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS): HFCS is a common sweetener in many processed foods and beverages, and it should be avoided during fasting.

Does sugar free syrup take you out of ketosis? ›

"Sugar-Free" Syrups:

These syrups while sugar free use sweeteners that still cause an insulin response. These can cause weight loss stalls and kick you out of ketosis. This includes Skinny Girl Syrups and Torani Syrups.


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