eggplant curry recipe – My Darling Lemon Thyme (2024)

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eggplant curry recipe – My Darling Lemon Thyme (1)

Well, I’ve finally made that eggplant curry I was talking about making a while back. I’ve actually been quite amazed to see cheap eggplants already making their ways into stores this early on in the season, but you would never hear me complaining! Oh no, no. I’m really loving them right now. That being said, it has been a long and winding road, learning to love eggplants. I’ve never not liked them, I think it’s been more a case of working in too many cafes where the done thing was to slather slices in way to much oil and chargrill. Ick.

eggplant curry recipe – My Darling Lemon Thyme (2)

Prepared in this way, the eggplant cooks down into meltingly soft mouthfuls that are full of flavour having soaked up all those fragrant spices and tomatoes.

I know a lot of people are scared off by long winded Indian recipes, with numerous ingredients and steps to follow. But this one I assure you is really straight forward. I have eliminated a few of the usual steps to not only make it faster to prepare, but a damn site healthier too. The recipe this was based on, deep-fried the eggplant first. I have chosen to use a onion base to give the same rich, deep flavour without all the fat. The trick is though, you really do have to cook the onion out for the full 10 minutes. Watch it, and stir often. But don’t be scared to take it to almost burning point! I mean, you obviously don’t want it to be burnt, but get it as close as you can. The depth of flavour this gives is mind-boggling, even more so if you use the ghee or clarified butter to cook it in. (I’ve included a recipe below for both).

I also don’t bother with salting my eggplants. This step used to be essential to release the bitterness in most eggplants. But I find nowadays, that most eggplants if they are nice, young, freshly picked ones without big black seeds inside, they don’t require this step.

eggplant curry recipe – My Darling Lemon Thyme (3)

As with most curries, the flavour of this really improves over time, so making it a day ahead is not a bad idea. Or make more than enough, so you have some leftovers for the following day.

Loosely based on a spiced eggplant recipe in The food of India by Priya Wickramasinghe and Carol Selva Rajah.eggplant curry recipe – My Darling Lemon Thyme (4)

eggplant curry recipe – My Darling Lemon Thyme (5)

eggplant curry recipe
As mentioned above, like most curries this recipe keeps well, and actually improves with time. If you have leftovers simply reheat the next day, re-check seasoning, adding more salt if needed and serve on freshly steamed rice. I like to use ghee (see recipe below) in curries for the authentic flavour it gives. It is lactose-free, but if you avoid dairy altogether simply use a neutral vegetable oil like rice bran oil. I like to use whole cumin seeds, but by all means use ground cumin if that’s what you have. Make sure you use regular brown onions in this recipe, red onions have a higher sugar content and tend to burn too easily in curries like this, where long, slow cooking is required. Serves 4-6

  • 2 medium (800g/1lb 12oz) eggplants (aubergine)
  • 3 Tbsp ghee/vegetable oil
  • 1 medium onion, finely diced
  • 2.5cm (1 inch) piece of fresh ginger, grated
  • 6 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 tsp fennel seeds
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds/ground cumin
  • 1 Tbsp ground coriander
  • 1/2 tsp ground turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne or a small pinch of chilli powder
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 400g tin (14oz) chopped tomatoes
  • a small handful of fresh coriander/cilantro leaves to garnish (optional)

Wash eggplants and dice into 2 cm cubes.

Heat ghee/oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally for about 10 minutes until a deep golden brown colour. (Be patient and don’t be tempted to rush this stage).

Add the grated ginger, crushed garlic, fennel and cumin seeds. Cook for about 2 minutes until garlic and ginger are fragrant. Add ground coriander, turmeric, cayenne/chilli powder and salt. Cook for 30 seconds. Add the diced eggplant and stir well to coat evenly with spices. Pour in the tin of chopped tomatoes, give it a big stir, then place the lid on and continue to cook over low-medium heat for about 10-15 minutes. Check and stir a few times to ensure it’s not catching on the bottom. Turn temperature down a little if need be.

When the sauce has thickened and the eggplant is meltingly soft, check the seasoning once more. Serve sprinkled with coriander/cilantro leaves and steamed rice. Enjoy!

ghee recipe
Ghee is so easy to make at home and is a great lactose-free alternative to butter in cooking. It heats to a high temperature without burning and gives a lovely buttery flavour. Clarified butter can be used in place of ghee and also has very low levels of lactose, if any. Because ghee has no milk solids it keeps really well at room temperature. I store mine in a glass jar on the bench for up to 1-2 months. You can make it in any amounts you like, but I tend to make at least 500g (1 pound) at a time.

  • 500g (1 pound) unsalted butter

Place the butter in a small pot. Bring slowly to the boil over a low heat and continue to boil gently for around 10-15 minutes.

To take it further to ghee, simply cook for the full 10-15 minutes. In this time any foam left will drop to the bottom, combine with the milk solids and go all nutty and brown. This gives the ghee a lovely toasted flavour. Carefully pour the clear amber liquid into a glass jar, leaving behind the white sediment. Allow to cool and store either at room temperature or in the fridge.

46 Responses

  1. Emma, this looks wonderful. I saw some eggplants today at the market and I passed them up because I didn't have this recipe yet. Now I'll have to find some again so that I can try this! Thanks for posting it.

    Gorgeous photos too.

  2. Mmmm yum, looks delicious! We cook a lot of curries in the winter, which are especially good with homemade naan.
    I have mixed feelings about eggplant, I think it's a texture thing… But, this does look really good, maybe I will have to give it a go again and re-evaluate my feelings!

  3. Kate, Thanks for your lovely comment. I'm slowly figuring out how to take better food photos 🙂

    Amy, yep it's always been a textural thing for me too, that's why I've only ever really liked them made into babaganosh! But I've really been enjoying eggplant curries lately.

  4. Now I have more things to make!

    Eggplants have always scared me a little bit because of one really bad childhood experience with the peel. Ughh…but I'm going to give this a try.

    P.S. the butter bean recipe turned out terrific!

  5. Hi Annie, great to hear you liked the butter bean recipe 🙂 I'm glad I'm not the only one to have had issues with eggplant and I totally recommend giving them a second chance 🙂

  6. yuuum! I wish I had this recipe when I had homegrown eggplants. mmm mmmm

  7. Yum – great recipe! Made this and was v. impressed. Really getting into eggplant as star ingredient.

  8. I love eggplants! Our local recipe use slightly different ingredients though.

  9. That looks so wonderful. These spicy curries are perfect for the winters.

  10. mmmm! Just made this for dinner and it was SUPERT og FANTASTISK (super + fantastic in Norwegian). Thanks for the recipe 🙂

  11. Awesome Julie! I was wondering where in the world you were these days…Norway I'm guessing!?! I'm so happy you're trying out lots of my recipes 🙂

  12. You say you are getting better at photographing your food… I think you've mastered it. First time but great site, beautiful food.

  13. Thank you Thomas! Such kind words 🙂

  14. I made this last night and it was delicious! Thank you so much for sharing your recipes.

  15. yay, so glad you liked it Maree 🙂

  16. hello my darling lemon thyme,

    i make your curry and it is delicious. my brother who does not like aubergines, love this dish. just a little concern. i am not sure why each time i cook curry, it has a slight bitter taste. can you tell me why this happens?

  17. Hi vi vian,
    When you talk about the curry being bitter, are we talking about eggplant curry or just curries in general? If it is eggplant curry you are talking about, make sure you choose nice young eggplants that don't have large black seeds inside. If they are older and have large seeds you need to salt them to remove the natural bitterness. Simply chop the eggplant, sprinkle with a little salt, leave 30 minutes, rinse off with water and pat dry before continuing on with the recipe.
    If it is other curries you are talking about, are you using tinned tomatoes by any chance? In the sauce base? These are way more acidic than regular tomatoes and I like to add a few teaspoons of sugar to counter-balance the bitterness. Failing that, are you burning the spices at any stage? These can cause bitter flavours too. Make sure when you cook the spices you add them in the order given in the recipe. Generally the whole spices get cooked first before briefly adding the ground spices.
    Hope that helps. Please to write back if you had any further questions I may be able to help you with -emm

  18. hello,
    i made this last week and while it did turn out lovely, i thought the subsequent leftovers tasted better compared to the first night we made it. the flavors had more time to meld & mingle. thank you for posting this!

  19. good lord. just made this. excuse my french but this sh*t is delicious. thank you for the post and the pics!

  20. Haha you are excused jasmine! So glad you enjoyed it 🙂

  21. I added two teaspoons of peanut butter and a big squeeze of lemon juice and it was delicious!!! Thanks for the recipe 🙂

  22. This is the 4th time I've made this recipe and I love it. So does my husband who is decidedly anti-eggplant! It is also great the next day cold on bread with avocado and some rocket! Yum

  23. Oooh is that how ghee works. I never thought it was lactose free simply from boiling a while. I love your bowls!

    1. Thanks I made those bowls myself! But sadly left them back in NZ when we made the move to Western Australia.
      And yes, the lactose is in the milk solids of butter, which is left behind on the bottom of the pan when boiled. Just like magic!

  24. Hello there,
    I made this tonight and it was beautiful. I haven't always been a fan of eggplant but my local indian place makes a great Eggplant dish and I had been looking around for a recipe for something similar. This was it. Have to say again it was fab.

    Quick question though. My family like their food a bit milder. Would you suggest halving the spices or maybe removing one of them?

    Thanks so much.


    1. I'd remove the chilli/cayenne altogether and maybe scale back the spices just a tad. xx

  25. I made this recipe but it looks a lot more dry than in the pictures. I used one large eggplant so im wondering could that have been it?

    1. Using one large eggplant should have been okay? Did you cook it without the lid on instead of covered? This would make the liquid evaporate a little too much.

  26. Oh yes i think that is what may have happened. My partner who made a yuck face at the thought of eggplant LOVED it!! So im making more today!! Im going to us more onion and a bit more chopped tomato and its sauce. Super delish thank you!!! Ill let youi know how turns out

  27. Hi Emma,
    I am planning on cooking this tonight (as in tonight European time) and just on the off chance you see this…
    Do I put in the fennel seeds without crushing or grinding them? I have never made curry from scratch and it is just something I stumbled over, since I don't know whether they soften or taste good when left whole.

    1. Hi Franziska,
      thanks for your message, I tend to just chuck the fennel seeds in whole, but by all means you can crush then if you'd prefer. It's only 1 teaspoon of them, so the flavour they give is not overly strong anyway.
      xx Enjoy!

    2. Perfect timing Emma, thanks! I am about to cycle to a friends place to start cooking 🙂 I'll go with chucking them in whole then! Will let you know how I went! Have a lovely evening!

    3. It was delicious! I ended up adding 2 sweet potatoes to the curry which I had on hand. This will be my new go to curry! Thanks again for your help Emma!
      xxx Franziska

    4. Awesome! So glad you enjoyed it 🙂 xx

  28. I love eggplants and can eat them in any possible way. I just made this recipe tonight for my lunch tomorrow. I am doing the JJ Virgin week with no dairy, gluten, sugar- and this recipe is exactly what I need. But instead of canned, I used a fresh ripe homegrown-by-my-mom tomato and I can not wait until lunch tomorrow! This recipe is a keeper.

  29. I bought an eggplant (aubergine) the other day with no idea what to do with it, stumbled upon this recipe and have just made and eaten it. Really delicious and great instructions. I feel inspired and chefy! Thank you 🙂

  30. I tried this recipe some time ago and even my husband not being a big fan of eggplant really loved it. I would recommend it to anyone, it is so easy to do. Thanks for this great recipe. I have served it with some quinoa.

    1. So glad you enjoyed it! This seems to be one of the favourites of all the recipes I've ever posted 🙂

  31. Hi, this looks delicious and easy! Do you think it would freeze well? If so, how would you thaw it? Sorry, i just love the thought of having portions of this ready to eat stashed away:)

    1. I freeze curries all the time. Simply leave in the fridge overnight to defrost, or defrost in a lidded pan over low heat with a splash of water until warmed through. xx

  32. So excited to find this! I've got my first real hit of eggplants in the garden so I'm super keen to turn them into something delish 🙂

  33. made it tonight and served with plain greek yoghurt – INSANELY DELICIOUS! Thank you so much for the inspiration!!


  34. I served it tonight with plain rice and salad it was fantastic!
    thank youfor sharing

  35. Can't wait to try this- brinjal bhajee is my favourite curry and this looks every bit as delicious. It'll be on the menu tonight!

  36. Hi! I am a huge fan of curry and this looks DELISH. Better yet I have all of the ingredients….minus the turmeric and fennel seeds. Is it possible to replace some (portion) of the spices with curry powder?

    1. I'm sure that would be fine. The end results will be different of course, but still yum 🙂

eggplant curry recipe – My Darling Lemon Thyme (2024)


What is my darling lemon thyme and what is its purpose? ›

Welcome to my little space on the internet where I share all the things I love; food, family, photography and travel. I started My Darling Lemon Thyme way back in July 2010 as a place to share gluten-free vegetarian real food recipes, stories and tips on organic gardening.

Why do you sweat eggplant before cooking? ›

We roasted many eggplants in testing the Pasta alla Norma recipe, and along the way we engaged in the age-old debate: to salt or not to salt? Many cooks argue that salting eggplant and letting it rest, or "sweat," for an hour or so before cooking draws out the vegetable's bitter juices.

What are the side effects of Lemon Thyme? ›

Thyme herb is mainly used for culinary purposes and is considered safe when used in moderate amounts. However, excess consumption of this aromatic herb may cause irritation of the mucous membranes, abdominal cramps, headaches, and dizziness.

Does Lemon Thyme taste like thyme? ›

What is lemon thyme? Lemon thyme is one of approximately 350 varieties of thyme, loved for its sweet citrus aroma and taste. It shares the minty, earthy and floral notes of regular thyme, but with a subtle essence of lemon that neutralises the bitterness sometimes found in its more well-known relative.

What happens if you don't salt eggplant before cooking? ›

Older recipes call for salting eggplant to draw out the bitter juices, but today's eggplants are less bitter (unless very large), so salting is largely unnecessary. It will, however, help the spongy flesh absorb less oil and crisp up like a dream.

What is lemon thyme plant good for? ›

Lemon Thyme has been used to strengthen the lungs and to purge the body of phlegm. An ointment made from lemon thyme has been used to remove warts and ease pains in the spleen. Excerpt from Nicholas Culpepper's English Physician. This book can be found in the John Martin Rare Book Room at Hardin Library.

What does lemon thyme repel? ›

Lemon Thyme is nature's own insect repellent. Its potent citrus scent is a no-go zone for pests like mosquitoes and ants. No chemicals needed; just plant Lemon Thyme and watch the garden invaders turn away.

Is lemon thyme a bug repellent? ›

The high citronella oil content of this hardy, easy-to-grow perennial plant is more potent than any other mosquito repellent plant tested, and more potent than citronella candles or sprays, especially when the leaves are rubbed onto exposed areas of bare skin.

Can you eat the flowers on lemon thyme? ›

Cut just above a fork in the branch. Pick parsley right from the ground, stems and all - new growth will come from the base. And yes, Julie, do eat the thyme flowers: they are perfectly edible and very pretty.


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