It's Not Summer Yet Greek Pasta Salad (2024)

by Joy the Baker 81 Comments

Often my cravings tell me more about what I want, than the produce tables at the farmer’s market.

I know fresh tomatoes and cucumbers aren’t exactly deep winter foods, but I really just needed to combine them in a bowl with salty feta…. juuust to be sure.

This pasta salad feels extra indulgent because it tastes like early summer when most of you are ankle-deep in slush. To be fair, this pasta salad is also loaded with an almost embarrassing amount of sheep’s milk feta. So… should we start counting the days until Memorial Day now? Too soon?

I really respect recipes that come together by the handful in a large bowl. It just feels right.

The vegetables are fresh and crisp. They’re juicy too!

Feta cheese is added in abundance, as is sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper. I like to chop my basil at the last minute, to keep it from bruising and browning excessively.

A simple lemon vinaigrette is shaken in a mason and generously poured over the pasta.

After the two-spoon-toss, tadaaa!

It’s lunch. It’s dinner. It’s just stand in the kitchen and eat as much as you want.

It feels a bit silly to write out a recipe for this salad. It’s mostly just handfuls of pasta, chopped tomatoes, cucumber and feta. Where you see cups in the recipe below, feel free to just eyeball it and toss ingredients in by the handful. It’s more fun that way, really!

It’s Not Summer Yet Greek Pasta Salad

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adapted from Ina Garten and the rest of the internet

For the Dressing:

1/3 cup olive oil

3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

1 tablespoon minced shallots

2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

2 teaspoons honey

sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper to taste

For the Pasta Salad:

5 cups cooked orzo pasta

2 cups de-seeded and coarsely chopped English Cucumbers

2 cups halved cherry tomatoes

1 heaping cup crumbled feta cheese

1/2 cup thinly sliced purple onion

1/3 cup chopped fresh basil

sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper to taste

I like to make my salad dressings in a mason jar with a tight-fitting lid. If you don’t have a jar, you can also vigorously whisk the mixture in a large bowl.

In a medium mason jar combine olive oil, lemon juice, shallots, mustard, honey, and a pinch of salt a fresh cracked black pepper. Secure the lid tightly and shake vigorously until emulsified. Taste and season with more lemon, honey, salt, or pepper as necessary. Set aside.

In a large bowl toss together orzo pasta, cucumber, tomatoes, feta cheese, onion, and fresh basil. Season lightly with salt and pepper. Just before serving, drizzle in the dressing. Taste and season accordingly. Serve immediately.

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I Made This


  1. Anna Mooney

    Just coming around to say this recipe is still my favorite summer salad. After all this time. It’s the best.


  2. Sharon

    This salad was delicious. I made it for my daughter’s baby shower and had a lot of requests for the recipe.


  3. sandra

    How far ahead of time could this salad be prepared?
    Sounds yummy!


    • joythebaker

      It can be prepared two days in advance.


  4. Ann

    Made this today with the addition of black olives, delicious and so easy!


  5. Tanya B

    I pinned this a year ago, but I just got around to making it. I can now never get back the past year of my life where this pasta salad was missing. I could have easily eaten the whole bowl by myself. Kudos on a delicious recipe. I did leave out the basil (cause it’s not my favorite), and I swapped a red bell pepper for the tomato (cause my mouth rejects all raw tomatoes).


  6. Chloe {i heart boxes}

    i’m going to go searching for orzo pasta tonight…i’m not sure how available it is in Paris.
    these pictures are making my mouth water! pinned it!


  7. Kandice

    I love your photos! Your recipes always look delicious (and have been when I’ve made them) – so thank you for that. But I love your photos…they really draw me into the recipes, make my mouth water, and provide inspiration for an amateur photographer who just really loves food. Thanks!


  8. Melanie

    Made the dressing to put in a regular Greek salad and it was delish! Definitely keeping this in the repertoire. Thanks Joy!!


  9. Michelle

    I made this a few days ago and it was delish. I love food like this. I cooked 2 cups of dried orzo and then removed som after it was cooked because I thought it would be too much ohterwise. I Have no idea how much cooked orzo I used, but it was good either way. I love the flavors in this- added kalamata olives as well.


  10. lizytishknits

    I saw the title and I thought there were going to be olives in there – I might be one of the only people I know that hates olives (but I LOVE olive oil). This looks wonderfully refreshing and would definitely be the perfect maybe-spring-and-then-summer-are-really-coming-after-all fake out meal.


  11. Kate

    I love anything with lots of feta!! I make something similar in the summer with quinoa but I’d love to try it out with orzo to mix it up. Looks delicious!


  12. Tammy

    This has me craving spring, and feta right now. Pinning this and looking for the fresh veggies as soon as possible.


  13. Danielle @ TheCharmItSpot

    I love Greek pasta salad!!!! Yours looks amazing! I’ve never had it with that type of pasta, but it looks so yummy!! Thanks for sharing!


  14. Meredith

    This looks refreshing and totally perfect!


  15. JoJo

    I made this tonight and was so light and flavorful! I needed this as I gaze outdoors at too much winter. I liked the dressing and I added shrimp too.


  16. Lisa

    Yum! This was perfect. It gave me hope for spring.



    Thanks for justifying a tasty salad like this for me–craving spring and light and yummy stuff like this!


  18. perri

    maybe i’m late to the party, but I love the new ‘print this recipe’ feature you have! absolutely perf.


  19. Liz

    Yummy! I made it tonight for dinner…I think I should have added more honey, Dijon & lemon to give it an extra boost of flavor, but it was great as is. Thanks for your awesome recipes & helping us take advantage of our beautiful so cal winter weather!


  20. Victoria (aka Zemfirka)

    Never made it at home before but I think this might be one of my new favorite dishes!!! Thanks for the recipe. ;)


  21. Melissa Case (@startabuzz)

    My window of winter acceptance closed on January 2. As far as I’m concerned, summer can usher itself right on in any old time it wants; this salad seems as good a way as any to help it along. Also? Yum.


  22. Lily (A Rhubarb Rhapsody)

    Rice salads are such an awesome light lunch, or really heavy lunch if you can’t stop eating it like me. ;)


  23. Shikha la mode

    Lemon and feta are the best combination ever.


  24. Anna

    Yummy it looks good. I have to try this!!


  25. Emily @ Life on Food

    This salad looks fabulous. I am loving those huge chunks of feta. I am so sick of winter I am all about eating warm weather foods.


  26. atasteofmadess

    I could go for some of this right now. Even though It’s snowing right now. Yum!


  27. Becca

    Be still my heart! Beings how I first learned of ‘greek salad’ in the mid’ 60’s in Tarpon Springs Florida when I was in high schoo I know this will do in a a pinch! I will eat this combo any day of the week just about any way I can! If it were the ‘greek salad’ I grew up with from Pappas Seafood restaurant in Tarpon Springs, it would have had a scoop of potato salad under the ‘salad fixins’. Oh sooo good! But, hey orzo works well for this as does coucous! Can not go wrong with the combo for sure! Thanks for sharing! and bringing back the memories!


  28. cheri

    I love everything about this salad. delicious!


  29. kate

    That flavor combo is just so delicious. I like to use oregano (and sometimes some sliced pepperoncini), but the basil looks like a delicious option I’ll have to try out! I think I know what lunch will be this week!


  30. Laurene

    How many lbs of orzo did you use for five cups cooked? Thanks in advance


  31. Rocky Mountain Woman

    Never too early to count down the days to Memorial Day! I make a similar pasta – think I’m going to steal a couple of your ideas here though…


  32. Esther

    Omg that look so yummy!


  33. Megan

    That looks and sounds delish, and I am all too tired of hearty winter food at this point. Although I will say you might want to wait until you’re in Louisiana to start rushing toward summer; it lasts a reaaaaally long time.


  34. Laura (Tutti Dolci)

    Yes please, I’d absolutely inhale this salad!


  35. bakerkat

    I am so ready for this


  36. Pri

    It’s always summer in Costa Rica so this looks just perfect for dinner tonight!


  37. Carissa

    Bring on summertime!!! I’m all for seasonal eating, but you’ve got my tastebuds excited now!


  38. kaloskraft

    This looks delicious! I will have to make it for dinner this week! I bet my daughter would love it too!


  39. Food Lover

    Very tasty dish. I have cooked this, and I am delighted. Thanks for amazing recipe! :)


  40. amy

    Love this simple salad. I have been making a variation of this for years. I have a different dressing and I sometimes add black olives, artichoke hearts or spinach if I have them on hand. This is a good thing to make Sunday to have for lunch for the week.


  41. Sarah @ Sarah Cooks the Books

    Wow, this looks good. I think you just derailed the dinner plans I already had set for tonight!


  42. Michelle

    About how much dry orzo is 5 cups? This looks delicious and similar to something I’ve made and loved before- want to try this version though. It looks so, so, so good.


  43. DessertForTwo

    I’m SO in the mood for this! Summer can’t get here fast enough!


  44. sundiegoeats

    Love the ratio of cheese to everything else in this. Would love to try this with farro or wheat berries.


  45. allie@sweetpotatobites

    All this warm weather we have been having has been making me want it to be summer real bad. This pasta salad looks perfect.


  46. Alexe @ Keys to the Cucina

    Love this delicious combo of flavors, makes me yearn for summer to be here now!


  47. Carole @CaroleBeeFoodandPhoto

    Orzo pasta is my FAVOURITE, I make something very similar in the summer but I use goat cheese and it’s SO yummy!! But I think maybe I will make this soon… bring back memories of summer :)


  48. Megan

    Oh yes. I’m craving summer produce as well. At least it’s still kind of citrus season and citrus makes me think summertime. That salad looks delicious. But I would add tons of kalamatas to mine. A new found love!


  49. shelly@ohshellsbell

    it’s too cold for pasta salad for me! but when it warms up, i would definitely make this (with some kalamata olives thrown in for extra Greekness and goodness)


  50. Katrina @ WVS

    My cravings know what I want too and right now it’s this. Summer needs to hurry up!



    This is one I’ve made before, but want to try your dressing. Problem is I’m trying to inch my way to a vegan diet and I’m thinking without the feta this will be less than stellar.


  52. Grace

    This is fabulous. Minneapolis just got 10 inches of snow last night. I’m all about pretending it’s summer!!


  53. Abby @ The Frosted Vegan

    Let’s keep pretending it’s summer, I’m totally down!


  54. Jessica (bakecetera)

    spring came early where i live – so this dish is totally season appropriate! YUM! the colours are beautiful and it looks so light and delicious! … even with all that feta ;)!


  55. Helen @ Scrummy Lane

    I was just sitting here at work (yikes!) thinking about whether I’d be able to find Israeli couscous for the salad I want to make tomorrow (I’m in Greece, so NOT always easy to find the ingredients I want!), when I read this post. You’ve given me the fabulous idea of using orzo instead, Joy – plenty of that to be found here!! Thank you! And of course I love this salad of yours … the Greeks eat Greek salad all year round so why shouldn’t you?


  56. maryea {happy healthy mama}

    No, most definitely not too early to start the countdown to Memorial Day. I started December 26th. :)


    • Susan McCann

      fabulous recipe! Have made it several times!


    • Katie Neal

      I’m thrilled with this recipe. I’ve been summoned to bring to many a barbecue! Thanks, so yummy!


  57. Yara Miora

    Oh yes pleaaaase! Takes me back to summer holidays :) Going to pin this immediately!


  58. Jo

    For a yummy twist, soak the onion in the vinaigrette for a few minutes while you chop the other veggies …it just makes it slightly tender and a bit less pungent


  59. Taylee @ twist me fit

    I’m not usually much of a pasta salad eater, but this looks good!


  60. Melissa

    It’s summer here is Australia so it’s not to early for me. Yum


    • joythebaker



  61. Belinda Lo (Moonblush Baker)

    I am going to say yes to all of these variations to the greek salad. I think as long as it retains the essence of the dish ( a salty, sweet refreshing salad); you changes are going to be well received by even the most die hard Greek salad purist.


  62. Rachel

    Yes. We should totally start counting the days to Memorial Day RIGHT NOW.

    And this both looks fantastic, and does remind me of lots of the pasta salads made with orzo I made around Memorial Day last year. I think I had a big bag of orzo left over from a recipe, I think it was one of Tracy’s soups, but as I was leaving LA in June I was trying to empty out my cupboards (hope you’re enjoying my Wok, by the way!!) so I made so many tomato, cucumber, red onion, orzo, and whatever else I had left combos!


  63. cheyenne

    ohh this looks so delicious :) thanks for sharing!
    xo, cheyenne


  64. Katy

    I’m in love with orzo, especially in pasta salads! I love that you used sheep’s milk feta, it has such a nice taste compared to cow’s milk. pinned.


  65. Averie @ Averie Cooks

    A greek salad like this, with the orzo, and the honey-dijon in the dressing, oh this would be delish! pinned


  66. Emily D.

    It’s going to be in the 50s (almost 60s!!!!) through the weekend, so I’m pretending it’s summer. This recipe will do nicely.


  67. dricketts1982

    This looks yummy! Can’t wait to try it!


  68. Rose

    Yum! This looks delicious! And sheep’s milk feta is the best :)


  69. Jourdin

    Made something similar to this the other day. So yummy!


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It's Not Summer Yet Greek Pasta Salad (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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