
- Many slams depend upon one of the pair holding the trump king. With Ordinary Blackwood, this usually cannot be determined below the 6-level

- The presence or absence of the trump queen can never be determined with Ordinary Blackwood.

Roman Key Card Blackwood, which evolved from the ace asking mechanisms of the great Italian teams of the 1960’s, is a refinement of ordinary Blackwood, and is based on aces, and the king of trumps. In addition, it enables the presence of the trump queen to be investigated for exploring the possibility of a grand slam.

Trump Agreement

It is of the utmost importance for the partnership to have agreed upon the trump suit before initiating Roman Key Card Blackwood (I would stress that partnerships do use different criteria – these are my personal recommendations). To overcome any ambiguity, apply the following rules in sequence (to assist in understanding the sequences. The eventual RKCB bidder is shown in blue).

  1. Any explicit suit agreed

    1♠ - 3♠ - 4NT is RKCB with spades as trumps
    1♣ - 1- 3 - 4NT is RKCB with diamonds as trumps

  2. Any implicit suit agreed

    1NT - 2 (Stayman) - 2 - 4NT is RKCB with hearts as trumps
    1 - 4 (splinter) – 4NT is RKCB with spades as trumps
    1 - 2NT (Jacoby) - 3 - 4NT is RKCB with hearts as trumps

    Since a 1NT or 2NT opener effectively has all the suits, I would also include any transfer suits following a 1NT or 2NT opening bid

    1NT - 2 (transfer to spades) – 2♠ - 4NT is RKCB with spades as trumps
    ….2NT - 3 (transfer to hearts) - 3 - 4NT is RKCB with hearts as trumps

  3. The last naturally bid or implied suit by the responder to 4NT (some players define this as the weaker hand, but this definition can become confusing)

    1♦ - 1 - 1♠ - 34NT is RKCB with hearts as trumps (the last naturally bid suit by responder).
    1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 4NT is RKCB with hearts as trumps

For experienced players the above three rules should determine the trump suit in the majority of cases. However if due to lack of sophistication within the system, one further rule can be added

  1. The last naturally bid suit by the 4NT bidder

    2♣ - 2 - 2♥ - 3NT – 4NT is RKCB with hearts as trumps (responder hasn’t bid any suit naturally, so now reverts to the 4NT bidder who has bid hearts).

Note – the agreed trump suit doesn’t necessarily mean that this is the suit of the final contract. It can be used as a means of finding out about the king of that suit.


The responses include the king of trumps as a fifth ace, the preferred option being ‘1430’ (but some players do play ‘3014’) i.e.

5♣ - 1 or 4

5 - 0 or 3

5 - 2 (or 5) without the queen of trumps

5♠ - 2 (or 5) with the queen of trumps (or its equivalent – e.g. a 5-card suit implying a probable 10-card fit))

In these responses there can be ambiguities (e.g. 1 or 4), but either the previous bidding, or the 4NT bidders holding itself, usually makes it clear which is the most probable alternative.

(There is an advantage in playing different responses depending on whether a major or a minor is the agreed suit. With a major as the agreed suit play ‘1430’, but with a minor play ‘3014’. However only consider this with experience of the standard 1430 approach).

To progress to a slam, players should ensure that they have at least 4 out of the 5 key-cards (unless there are useful voids). Even then, a slam should be avoided if it can be determined that the partnership is missing one keycard and the trump Q.

If holding all five key-cards between the partnership, the 4NT bidder can then ask for kings by bidding 5NT. Remember that in response to this bid, ignore the king of trumps – it has already been accounted for in response to the 4NT bid (expert partnerships still use the bid if missing one key-card, primarily to assess whether 6NT would be a better contract at pairs).

Queen Ask (this can be adopted at a later stage)

Following 5♣ or 5, a bid of the next suit up is the queen-ask (usually used in investigating the possibility of a grand slam). (Special case – if hearts is the agreed trump suit, following a 5 bid (0 or 3), 5 is now the queen-ask opposite 3, but must be passed opposite 0).

The responses to the queen ask are: (by the trump queen we mean the queen or its equivalent (e.g. a 5-card suit – i.e. a 10+ card fit)):

Without trump queen, bid the trump suit at the lowest level.

With trump queen, bid 5NT with no other control (i.e. king).

With trump queen and another king, bid the suit containing the king.

If the trump suit is available at both the 5-level and the 6-level (usually the case with a major), then with the trump queen and no other king bid 5NT with something ‘extra’ (e.g. useful other queen(s)), whereas bid 6 of the trump suit with nothing ‘extra’

Void Showing (only when more experienced)

In the build-up to 4NT, players can usually show voids via cue-bids. However if this not the case, various modifications to the responses to 4NT can show voids. The method I prefer is to start the responses at 5NT when holding a useful void (judgement required – but a void in say opener’s first suit would probably not be useful). The responses are 1,2(without Q), 2(with Q), 3 - note: if 0 'aces' ignore the void. (Care is needed with this approach if the agreed suit is a minor).

Asking For Other Kings

Various methods exist, but initially just use the standard approach, i.e. 5 = 1 king, etc. But remember there are only three kings available, since the trump king has been accounted for (or not) in response to the original 4NT bid. With experience other responses are better, my preferred choice being:

- bid six of the agreed trump suit with no other king;

- with one king, bid the suit of that king as long as it is lower ranking than the agreed trump suit (otherwise bid as if no other king);

- with two kings, bid the suit that doesn’t have the king

Examples (North the opening bidder):

(The bidding sequences take a simplistic approach up to the 4NT bid. Better sequences are available by way of cue bids etc. The examples concentrate solely on the use of RKCB).

a)♠ Ab)♠ AJ1098c)♠ AJ1098d)♠ AQ7643e)♠ AQ87432

A87654 Q K AKQ7 9

K6 KQ3 KQ3 8 AK106

♣ AK87♣ AK82♣ AK82♣ AK♣ A

♠ K5♠ KQ75♠ K7652♠ 1095♠ 965

KJ32 J1043 AJ43 83 AK854

QJ54 A62 76 KQ952 52

♣ 652♣ 54♣ 54♣ Q74♣ K54

a) 1♥ - 3 - 4NT (hearts) – 5♣ (1 ace or K) – 6♥

b) 1♠ - 3♠ - 4NT (spades)– 5♠ (2 aces/♠K and ♠Q) – 6♠

c) Exactly the same sequence as (b). In response, the 5-card spade suit is the equivalent to holding the ♠Q

d) 2♣ - 2 - 2♠ - 3♠ - 4NT (spades) – 5 (0 or 3, obviously 0) - 5♠. Two key-cards are missing – at best the slam depends on a finesse.

e) 1 - 2 - 3 - 4♠ - 4NT(spades) - 5♣ (1 or 4, obviously 1) - 6. With one key-card missing the grand slam is not attempted

Queen Ask examples (g – i):

f)♠ A3g)♠ AKJ1043h)♠ A5i)♠ AK752j)♠ 8

AK97 AQJ6 10963 J9764 KQJ9654

83 9 A7 A7 KQ82

♣ AK763♣ AK♣ AQ854♣ A♣ 5

♠ KQ954♠ Q52♠ 6♠ 6♠ A74

Q652 K87 AK852 AK852 A7

AJ7 A1062 KQ862 KQ862 A3

♣ Q7♣ 1073♣ K3♣ 53♣ A9762

f) 1♣ - 1 -2 - 4NT (hearts) - 5♣(1 or 4, but obviously 4) – 6. With Ordinary Blackwood the K is concealed - North could be missing K (having ♣J, instead, making the slam less likely).

g) 2♣ - 2 - (negative at this stage, but no other bid) - 2♠ - 3♠ - 4NT (spades) – 5 (1 ace or ♠K) - 5♦ (queen ask) - 5 (♠Q and K) – 7♠
(If responder had shown the K in response, North would probably settle for 6♠)

h) 1♣ - 1- 3 - 4NT (hearts) - 5 (0 or 3) - 5♥(queen ask opposite three, sign-off opposite none) - 6 (confirms three key-cards, but denies the queen) – pass

i) 1♠ - 2- 4♣ (cue, agreeing hearts) - 4NT (hearts) - 5 (0 or 3) - 5 (queen ask opposite three, sign-off opposite none) – 5♠ (confirms three key-cards, and with the five-card suit, shows the equivalent of the queen, and also ♠K.) - 7♥

j) 4 - 4NT - 5♣ (1 or 4) - 5NT (for kings) - 7. North knows that South must have all four aces to be asking for kings. If he held KQJx he would bid 7NT, but one diamond may need to be ruffed.

The following examples make use of my preferred methods - others are available.

k)♠ A875l)♠ AQJ854



♣ AK5

♠ 4♠ K



♣ 1087♣ 53

k)2NT - 3♣ - 3 - 4NT (hearts) - 5♣ - 5NT - 6♠ - 7♥. The 5♣ showing 1 or 4 (obviously 4), confirms all five keycards are held. South now asks for kings. North’s response, being at a level higher than the agreed trump suit, now shows that he doesn’t have ♠K and also has the other two kings. South can now be reasonably sure of all thirteen tricks.

l)1♠ - 2♦ - 3 - 4NT (hearts) - 6♥ - 7♥ Having agreed hearts, the 6♥ response shows 3 and a useful void (starting the sequences at 5NT, the 6♥ is equivalent to a 'normal' 5 showing 0 or 3). The only useful void is clubs, so the grand slam can be bid with confidence.



How do you answer Blackwood in Bridge? ›

Standard Blackwood

With no aces or four, partner replies 5♣; with one, two, or three aces, 5♦, 5♥, or 5♠, respectively. The difference between no aces and four is clear to the Blackwood bidder (unless the partnership lacks all four) so one member of the partnership knows the combined number of aces.

What are the key cards in Blackwood? ›

Roman Key Card Blackwood (RKC) was developed on the belief that the King of the trump suit is as important as an Ace. Thus, there are five key cards: the four aces and the king of trumps. There are two main systems of responses: 3014 (“thirty-fourteen”) and 1430 (“fourteen-thirty”).

What are the responses to 1430 in bridge? ›

Like Blackwood, the primary function of 1430 is to keep you out of “poor” slams; it just does a better job of it. Your responses are (a) 5♣; (b) 5♦; (c) 5♥; and, (d) 5♠. 1 Some use 3014 responses, but the concept is the same.

Is the Roman key card the same as 1430? ›

Roman Key Card Blackwood (Key Card, RKC, RKCB, 0314, 1430) is a variation of the Blackwood convention. It is used when the partnership has agreed to a trump suit and is interested in slam. A 4NT bid asks partner how many "key cards" he holds.

What does 4NT response to 1NT mean? ›

What you would like to do is ask partner whether their 1NT opening is a good one or a poor one. You can do this by bidding 4NT. This is asking opener a question – are you a maximum? Opener should only pass with 12 or a poor 13 points. With 14 or a good 13, opener should bid 6NT.

What is the alternative to Blackwood in bridge? ›

Norman four notrump (also Norman) is a slam bidding convention in the partnership card game contract bridge designed to help the partnership choose among the five-, six-, and seven-levels for the final contract. Norman four notrump is an alternative to the Blackwood convention family.

What is Jacoby 2NT in bridge? ›

Jacoby 2NT (Swedish: Stenberg 2NT) is a bridge convention in which a bid of 2NT over partner's opening bid of one heart (1♥) or one spade (1♠) shows a hand with both. opening strength or better - normally at least 12 HCP or a hand meeting the "Rule of 20" criteria, and. at least four-card support for opener's major ...

What is 3014 in bridge? ›

Playing 3014 when clubs are trumps would allow a key-card enquiry when the lack of a key card would not commit the partnership to a slam with two key cards missing.

What is the rule of 44 in bridge? ›

To open 2♣ and then bid a major requires at least five cards in the major, NO MORE THAN FOUR LOSERS and a minimum of FOUR QUICK TRICKS (A=1, K=½, KQ =1); the rule of 44.

What is the response to Stayman in bridge? ›

Responses to 2♣ (Stayman) : 2♦ - No I don't have a 4 card major. 2♥ - I have 4 hearts and may have 4 spades. 2♠ - I have 4 spades but I don't have 4 hearts. Typically Stayman is used on hands of 11+ points when responder has a four card major and game might be possible if there is a major suit fit.

What is the rule of 9 in bridge? ›

Rule of 9.

It works like this: add the numeric value of the opponent's contract to the number of trumps held in that suit and if the result equals 9 (or more), then that player should double for penalty. If the result is 8 or fewer, then the defender should pass or bid.

What is a lebensohl after a 1NT opening bid? ›

Intermediate Lesson 04: Combating Interference over our 1NT. Lebensohl. Lebensohl is a bidding convention used when the opponents interfere over 1NT. After partner opens 1NT and the next opponent bids a suit up to 2 , a 2NT bid is an artificial relay bid asking partner to bid 3 .

What are key cards in Blackwood? ›

The phrase “Key Card” refers to the way in which this method improves on traditional Blackwood by counting the four aces and the king of the agreed trump suit as “key” cards — a total of five. Additionally, this method allows the partnership to check on the queen of the agreed suit.

What is a 2 over 1 bid in bridge? ›

Basic 2-over-1 principles and definitions. 2-over-1 forcing-to-game is "on" only when your side opens 1D, 1H or 1S in 1st or 2nd seat and the next player passes and responder makes a non-jump bid of 2 of a new suit. The only relevant auctions are: 1♥ - 2♣ 1 - 2♦ 1♠ - 2♣ 1♠ - 2♦ 1♠ - 2♥ 1♦ - 2♣

How to use Blackwood? ›

Blackwood is a tool used to check to make sure that partnership isn't missing two aces before going to a small slam (or missing an ace for a grand slam). Blackwood is used after a trump suit has been agreed upon. Bidding 4NT asks the responder to show the number of aces he has: 5C: 0 or 4 aces.

What does Blackwood mean in bridge? ›

Black·​wood convention. ˈblak-ˌwu̇d- : a bidding method in contract bridge used in order to explore the likelihood of making a slam. Note: The Blackwood convention is used to determine the number of aces held by the bidder's partner.

When should you not use Blackwood? ›

SHOWING A VOID Remember you should not use Blackwood or Gerber to ask partner for Aces if you have a void. But if partner uses Blackwood and you have a void, there is a simple way to show it IF you have one or two Aces AND there is an agreed trump suit.


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