Thai Butternut Squash Soup with Coconut Milk (Creamy, Spicy) Recipe | (2024)

An easy recipe for Butternut Squash Soup with coconut milk, and Thai curry flavors prepared in Instant Pot for a speedy fix for chili night dinner. Refrigerate for a week. Freeze up-to 6 months. Gluten free, Vegan.

This soup is super special because it is creamy, spicy, and delicious but still vegan and low-calorie.This is what I love about Coconut milk in soups. Have all the flavor, and a creamy soup without a drop of cream. You can even go super low-calorie by using low-fat coconut milk or using half coconut milk and half vegetable broth.

Preparing soup in Instant Pot makes it quick option for weeknights. Plus no need to dice squash. Simply peel and cut in rough chunks. Instant Pot pressure cooker setting still makes it soft and ready-to-be-creamy soup in just 10 minutes. And flavor is like soup slow-cooked for an hour. (A serving of nutrients and vitamins is pure bonus.)

So, let's make some Spicy Butternut Squash Soup!

(Oh, if you like spicy soups? Don't forget to checkout my Roasted Spicy Butternut Squash Apple Soup, Spicy Black Bean Soup, and Turkey Posole Rojo. Yumm!!)

Thai Butternut Squash Soup with Coconut Milk (Creamy, Spicy) Recipe | (1)


This soup is also my favorite because you can use any Thai curry base you prefer for this recipe. This year I shared three Thai curry pastes - Green Curry Paste, Red Curry Paste, and Yellow Curry Paste.

I used Red Curry Paste for this recipe. But you can really use any paste you have in hand - yellow and green both will make an equally delicious Thai Curry Butternut Soup.

With homemade curry pastes, you don't even need a try to grocery store to make this soup. Dinner tonight! (hint hint)


Star ingredients of this butternut squash soup are coconut milk, Thai curry paste, and lots of lime/lemon flavor.

I recommend to use a good quality coconut milk. This is one ingredient that defines this Butternut Squash Soup. Not only does it balances the spice of Thai Curry Paste.. It also gives soup a subtle coconut flavor. And amazingly creamy texture without a hint of dairy-cream. Such as my favorite Organic Thai Coconut Milk. This is unsweetened, organic and 100% vegan Coconut Milk.

Unsweetened milk gives me option to control the amount of sugar. Honestly, I don't like a overly sweet soup. You don't want it sweet like a Thai Curry. So, I recommend adding a moderate amount of sugar when cooking the soup. Unsweetened coconut milk also has some natural sweetness. So, I start with two tablespoon sugar in 2 quart soup. I know, it may sound less. But best is to taste and adjust as per your preference.

The heat-sweet balance in soup also depends on kind of Thai Curry Paste used. When making this soup with homemade Thai Curry Pastes, I use 3 tablespoon curry paste, 2 tablespoon sugar, and 12 ounce unsweetened coconut milk for 2 quart soup. For store bought curry paste, I use 2 tablespoon paste and one tablespoon sugar. In store bought, I use Thai Kitchen Red Curry Paste. It is 100% gluten free and vegan.

Bottom line - always taste and adjust seasonings.

Thai Butternut Squash Soup with Coconut Milk (Creamy, Spicy) Recipe | (2)

I also add lemongrass in this soup as per availability. If you can't find lemon grass, add a tsp lime zest and some extra lime juice.

Now, imagine aroma of hot pot of butternut soup with coconut milk, Thai curry and lime flavors filling kitchen with Thai restaurant like aroma. I know your grocery list is out. Make some tonight!


To prepare this coconut milk butternut squash soup, I used Instant Pot. Instant Pot helps develop flavor in this soup in way less time. Instead of simmering soup in dutch oven for 25 minutes, I simply pressure cook soup in Instant Pot for 8 minutes. Pressure cooking also preserved nutrients. In-fact, after squash is cooked and soup is loaded with fragrant Thai curry flavor... I add coconut milk. And then pressure cook soup again for 3 minutes which helps me reduce 10 minute worth of cooking time to 5 minutes.

Note: You can by all means prepare this soup in regular dutch oven. It will only need more time to cook the soup. Rest all steps remain the same.

Thai Butternut Squash Soup with Coconut Milk (Creamy, Spicy) Recipe | (3)


When cooking in Instant Pot, I don't even have to dice the squash because I know it will cook well under pressure. When using fresh butternut.. I simply cut squash in half. Peel off then slice in big chunks that can snuggle well in Instant Pot. That's it. It still cooks well, soft and puree perfectly.
Frozen diced squash is always in my refrigerator. That works perfect for this recipe as well.

Thai Butternut Squash Soup with Coconut Milk (Creamy, Spicy) Recipe | (4)

Let me summarize why should you try this Butternut Squash Soup!

1. Coconut Milk - Creamy soup without cream. You can also make it low-fat with lite Coconut Milk.
2. Thai Curry - Use as Thai curry flavor you like. I use Red Curry. Green and Yellow works perfect. No other change needed.
3. Vegan, Gluten free, Paleo-Diet friendly. (use natural sweetener of choice)
4. Loaded with flavor and nutrients with cooking under-pressure in Instant Pot.
5. No Need to peel and dice squash. Simply cut into rough chunks that can fit in pot. Use a pre-diced orfrozen butternut squash. Either one will work.
6. Soup stays good for up-to a week in refrigerator. Freezes well up-to 6 months.

Thaw/Re-Heat: Please note soup will get thick with time. To thin-out, add some vegetable stock or water. Reheat. Taste and adjust seasonings such as salt, sugar, lemon juice.

Make some tonight for Meatless Monday dinner and enjoy!-Savita x

Thai Butternut Squash Soup with Coconut Milk (Creamy, Spicy) Recipe | (5)

For love of Butternut Squash:

1) Butternut Squash Apple Soup
2) Butternut Squash Soup
3) Butternut Squash Risotto

What is you favorite Butternut Squash recipe? Leave a comment below and share with me.Thai Butternut Squash Soup with Coconut Milk (Creamy, Spicy) Recipe | (6)

Thai Butternut Squash Soup with Coconut Milk (Creamy, Spicy) Recipe | (2024)


How do you make butternut squash soup less bland? ›

I use ground sage and nutmeg which both enhance the flavors of butternut squash and bring out its natural sweetness. Stir in full-fat coconut milk to make this soup extra-creamy, and don't forget the salt and pepper!

How do you make butternut squash soup less bitter? ›

It may sound odd, but we even add apples to soup sometimes – like our creamy roasted butternut squash and sage soup. If you don't have any apples on hand, add a little sugar instead. Start with a small amount (no more than ½ tsp per quart of broth) and then taste and adjust as needed.

Is butternut squash soup good for blood pressure? ›

It can help your blood pressure.

Butternut squash is high in potassium, which can help keep your blood pressure in check. Managing your blood pressure can reduce your risk for stroke and heart disease. Its fiber helps with blood sugar. Butternut squash contains a type of fiber that's not digestible.

Does butternut squash need to be peeled for soup? ›

How to cook Butternut squash. You can eat the skin, so there's no need to peel it. Simply halve it, scoop out the seeds and chop it into chunks, then roast it and add it to a warm winter salad or throw it into curries, stews or soups.

How to spice up bland butternut squash soup? ›

Season soup with cayenne pepper, allspice, nutmeg, ginger, salt, and pepper. Stir in half-and-half cream and sherry. Cook and stir over medium heat until heated through; do not boil. Ladle into soup bowls and top each with a dollop of sour cream to serve.

How do you tone down spicy butternut squash soup? ›

Try mixing in a spoonful of honey or sugar to cut the spice with sweetness. Sometimes, a sweet flavor can counteract spiciness and make your soup taste more balanced. Only add in a spoonful at a time and mix it into the broth.

What is the No 1 soup in the world? ›

According to the Taste Atlas Awards, the international food database, the Filipino favorite, Sinigang, is hailed as the best soup in the world.

How do you fix too much garlic in butternut squash soup? ›

Add other flavorful ingredients like those already in the soup to help balance the flavour. You could try simmering the soup for a while which may mellow out the garlic flavour. In future be careful about adding too much of an ingredient as you taste; as you have found it's much easier to add than to take away.

Why does my butternut soup taste sour? ›

What happened? It's no coincidence that the butternut squash soup had fermented, alcoholic notes. Indeed, fermented rice turns out to be the culprit here. Rice is high in starch, which is relatively easy to ferment.

Can diabetics eat butternut squash? ›

Is Butternut Squash Safe for People Living with Diabetes? Butternut squash is a fantastic option for those who need to carefully monitor their blood sugar levels. Rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, and vitamin C, butternut squash can provide numerous health benefits for those living with diabetes.

What does butternut squash do for the gut? ›

Butternut squash contains considerable amounts of fiber, which can help you keep a healthy weight and regulate bowel movements. It's known to help prevent colorectal cancer while the beta-carotene in butternut squash can also improve eye health.

Is butternut squash soup a laxative? ›

Butternut can work as a laxative. In some people butternut can cause diarrhea. Diarrhea can increase the effects of warfarin and increase the risk of bleeding.

Can dogs eat butternut squash? ›

Generally, butternut squash is safe to feed to most pooches, unless your vet has advised otherwise. As a guide, we would recommend feeding small dogs no more than 1 or 2 teaspoons of butternut squash, whilst bigger dogs can eat up to 3 or 4 tablespoons of butternut squash.

Can dogs eat squash? ›

If you're looking for a tasty, low-calorie addition to your dog's diet, you're in luck: Dogs can eat squash safely. In fact, this garden staple has many potential benefits when prepared correctly and given in moderation.

How does Jamie Oliver cook butternut squash? ›

Method. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4. Wash and dry the whole squash, then place on a baking tray. Pierce once or twice with the tip of a sharp knife, then bake in the oven for 1 hour 30 minutes, or until golden and very soft.

How do I fix bland tasting soup? ›

Add acidic ingredients.

Foods that have a great deal of acidity, like lemon juice, vinegar, white wine, and tomato puree, can help liven up the flavor of bland-tasting bone and other broths. "The acidity of these ingredients works to complement and enhance the broth's flavors, not mask it.

Why is my butternut squash tasteless? ›

If it's underripe, the squash won't have developed its signature taste. If it's overripe, it may be dry, mushy or flavorless. Follow these tips the next time you're at the grocery store or farmers market to find the perfect recipe-ready butternut squash.

What can I add to soup to make it less bland? ›

Use fresh, good quality ingredients like vegetables and herbs. Add a little bit of vinegar or lemon juice to your soup to make it taste better. Use a high-quality broth or stock as a base for your soup. Roast or caramelize your vegetables before adding them to your soup to bring out their natural sweetness.

How do you rescue bland soup? ›

If a soup is tasting bland in the bowl, consider adding acid rather than salt. A squeeze of lemon or lime, or a dash of yogurt or sour cream can add brightness to the bowl. Our Lemony Chicken Soup will make your mouth water.


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.