TikTok Star Eric Roberts' Fiancée Is Keeping Him Grounded in Big Year (2024)

If you love a laugh and have a TikTok account, there’s a strong chance that you’ll know of Eric Roberts or at least have seen his face in viral videos.

The funnyman from Donegal has found himself become quite the social media star over the past couple of years - and nobody’s more surprised than he is!

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Eric admits that he ‘fell into’ making videos but that it’s been an amazing experience that has allowed him to follow his passion and plan a ‘dream wedding’ to his fiancée Niamh.

In fact, it’s Niamh who Eric credits as being his biggest support throughout the whirlwind of rise to TikTok fame and through a year of ‘constant pinch me moments’.

TikTok Star Eric Roberts' Fiancée Is Keeping Him Grounded in Big Year (1)

2023 is only going to get more exciting as Eric is set for a big career change and is also gearing up to test his comedic skills in a new BBC stand up show.

After working as a special needs assistant for eight years, Eric is taking the leap to trying influencing and presenting full-time. While he’s understandably nervous, it helps that he has the full support of his family behind him and that he’s looking at everything with a “just say yes” attitude.

Eric proposed to Niamh while they were on holiday in Santorini in March 2022 and told EVOKE that they’re a ‘good match as she keeps me grounded.’

He said: ’Niamh is incredibly supportive and excited as well [for me to try presenting and showbiz full-time] because she can see how passionate I am about it.’

TikTok Star Eric Roberts' Fiancée Is Keeping Him Grounded in Big Year (2)

‘I know it can be a bit tortuous for her as well though,’ Eric jokes. 'I’m never off my phone and if we’re on a date and I see something funny, I have to write it down.’

While Niamh is the one who films Eric’s videos for him, she’s not in the influencing business herself and instead works as a teacher.

Eric said: ‘She doesn’t really like getting involved [on the other side of the camera] too much, I have to beg her at times. It is a huge following and there’s lots of eyes. She’s ever the professional and I wouldn’t say she’s shy, she just loves what she does.’

The couple are currently planning their wedding, which is set for August, and Eric admits it’s been a bit of a ‘hectic’ time. He said: 'I’m doing as much as I can to plan but I’m more of a yes man at the moment, whatever Niamh wants she gets. The planning never seems to end!'

‘We’re getting married in Donegal at Harvey’s point. We toyed with the idea of going abroad, but my nephew has cerebral palsy and we wouldn’t want him to have to fly or be uncomfortable.’

TikTok Star Eric Roberts' Fiancée Is Keeping Him Grounded in Big Year (3)

Between wedding planning and preparing to leave his day job, Eric has also been working with lots of brands and is blown away by how many opportunities TikTok has bought his way,

‘It’s constant pinch me moments - I never view it as work because there’s always such enjoyment,’ he said. ‘Now I’m leaving my special needs assistant job I don’t know what to introduce myself as anymore… I’m loving it all and trying to give as much as I can.

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‘I fell into [social media], and had no aspirations to do this. I was in my 30s and career job when things started to take off and there’s always been this view of TikTok being a bit of a bubble with no longevity but maybe there is. It’s a little scary but if you don’t take a leap you never know.’

Eric’s next challenge is one that, while drawing on his comedy skills, will really test his talents as he’s joined the line-up for a new BBC Sounds show which takes social media stars and pairs them with comedians, getting them to swap their phones for a mic.

TikTok Star Eric Roberts' Fiancée Is Keeping Him Grounded in Big Year (5)

Each star will have to come up with a five-minute long stand-up routine, which is a time period that feels like a ‘lifetime’ to Eric who is used to making videos that are only seconds long.

‘The show has been nothing short of terrifying,’ Eric honestly told us. ‘From the initial email to now it has been surreal and something I never saw myself doing,

‘I’d told myself that I was going to try as much as I could this year so when I saw the email I just thought I have to grab this opportunity with both hands. I’ve been online for a couple of years now and did feel imposter syndrome last year with the opportunities and events I was invited to so this year I’m really staying motivated and seeing how far I can go.’

TikTok Star Eric Roberts' Fiancée Is Keeping Him Grounded in Big Year (6)

Before Eric takes to the stage in Belfast on June 11, and the show is aired later in 2023, he’s got a private gig lined-up to test his material - for his family.

'I can re-record my skits if the delivery doesn’t work but not here, I’ll just have to hope what I have goes down well with the family… although they can be too brutally honest at times,’ he jokes.

We know he’s going to knock it out of the park!

TikTok Star Eric Roberts' Fiancée Is Keeping Him Grounded in Big Year (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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